is it?

apparently this is it, but what is it? A nice moment before the MJ posters go up on wall on the Bowery

white out

very nice wiped out white out - bottles in a brooklyn window


so damn weird! the 'ghostbusters' sky after the storm that felt like a tornado (when you're in a tent!) june 26th over NYC

dreams of leaving?

suburban dreaming- some anonymous masking tape work on Ludlow St

what's this then?

saw this small addition in central park - nice touch

what's this then? shame on you CB2!

spotted in the new CB2 catalogue - this 'inspired' pillow on the right is so close to Elodie's (on the left) that it's painful. Lacking all the conceptual content of the original, this really is a pale imitation. We wish companies could be upfront and actually approach designers, paying them instead of knocking them off. ........Wait! - there's more!

what's this then? shame on you CB2!

The creation on the right is also in the catalogue, while the piece on the left is also Elodie's! I think CB2 paid us visit, don't you?

what's this then?

urban sheik!
with a swirl of plastic mac, NYchic is defined under the Manhattan bridge interesting note: a webster definition - usually sheik: a man held to be irresistably attractive to romantic young women


do we have a winter theme here - or is this Richard's car? (apparentlly not connected to 'happy new year' - this one was spotted on 19th St)

to you too!

happy new year, New York City style - that's the spirit! nice (spotted on 1st St)